Climate Change


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  • Mwanri, Akwilina (Sokoine University of Agricuture, 2025-01-27)
  • Chang’a, Ladislaus B; Kijazi, Agnes L; Luhunga, Philbert M; Ng’ongolo, Hashim K; Mtongori, Habiba I (Scientific Research Publishing, 2017-10-13)
    Climate extreme indices in Tanzania for the period 1961-2015 are analyzed using quality controlled daily rainfall, maximum and minimum temperatures data. RClimdex and National Climate Monitoring Products (NCMP) ...
  • Jarso, James Forole (American University Washington College of Law, 2012)
    Climate change cannot be addressed by a single nation. We must lay emphasis on a regional approach since whatever happens in our individual nations affects the entire region. This means that we must act both individually ...
  • Davies, Mark; Naess, Lars Otto; Bene, Chris (2017-10-16)
    This report considers how issues related to climate change can be incorporated into the third phase of the Tanzania Social Action Fund (TASAF III). By linking social protection (SP) , climate change adaptation (CCA) ...
  • Taylor, Anna; Rubens, Jason; Masanja, Mwamini; Devisscher, Tahia; Jeans, Helen (2017-10-16)
    Tanzania hosts a variety of ecosystems, including mountain, dry lands, wetlands, coastal and marine ecosystems, many of which are trans-boundary (e.g. the Lake Tanganyika ecosystem, which is shared between four countries). ...
  • Zilihona, Innocent (Edita Prima Ltd.-Helsinki 2003, 2003)
    East African rain forest biotope is one of the most diverse habitat types on the planet (Lovett and Wasser 1993, Struhsaker 1997, Burgess et al. 1998, Mittermier et al. 1998, Myers et al. 2000, Newmark 2002). The Eastern ...
  • Bates, Bryson; Kundzewicz, Zbigniew; Wu, Shaohong (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Secretariat, 2008-06)
    Observational records and climate projections provide abundant evidence that freshwater resources are vulnerable and have the potential to be strongly impacted by climate change, with wide-ranging ...
  • International Institute for Environment and Development (International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD) in collaboration with IIED, 2010-02)
    The Fourth International Conference on Community-Based Adaptation (CBA) to Climate Change convened in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, from Sunday 21 February to Saturday 27 February 2010. The conference was organized by ...
  • Shem, Martin. N. (ICID+18, 2010-08-16)
    Nearly eighty percent of the land in Tanzania is classified as semi-arid and the main source of livelihood in these areas is pastoralism and agro-pastoralism. Pastoralism in Tanzania is, however, under threat from the ...
  • Environmental Economics Unit (EEU) (2017-10-16)
    This environment and climate change policy brief aims to summarize the main environment challenges, constraints and opportunities related to poverty reduction and economic development for Tanzania and Swedish government ...
  • Paavola, Jouni (Southern Africa Vulnerability Initiative(SAVI), 2003-06-19)
    Abstract This paper examines vulnerability to climate change and its sources in Tanzania. The paper discusses the predicted changes in climate and climate change impacts, arguing that food production, land cover changes ...
  • Government of Tanzania (2017-10-16)
    Climate change has the potential to impact negatively on almost all sectors of the economy. Tanzania like other African countries has been experiencing impacts of climate change which includes ...
  • United Republic of Tanzania (2017-10-16)
    Climate change is a global problem posing challenges to the survival of mankind and sustainable development. It poses a serious risk to poverty reduction efforts and threatens to undo decades of ...
  • Government of Tanzania (2017-10-16)
    Climate change is happening and will continue to be the real challenge for mankind survival and sustainable development. The impacts associated with climate change are already experienced in many systems and ...
  • Howden, Mark; Soussana, Jean-Franc¸ ois; Tubiello, Francesco; Chhetri, Netra; Dunlop, Michael; Meinke, Holger (Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2007)
    The strong trends in climate change already evident, the likelihood of further changes occurring, and the increasing scale of potential climate impacts give urgency to addressing agricultural adaptation more coherently. ...
  • Ndyamukama, Fred Edwin (2017-09-27)
    The aim of this thesis was to summarize and analyze some of the main causes and consequences of the rapid and continuing deforestation in Tanzania, and to illustrate the impacts of the problem on the ...
  • Pan- African START Secretariat; International START Secretariat; Tanzania Meteorological Agency; Ardhi University, Tanzania (2017-09-27)
    This study seeks to understand key aspects of vulnerability of the urban poor in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, how climate impacts upon this vulnerability, and to determine how forward- looking policies ...
  • Assey, Paschal; Bass, Stephen; Cheche, Blandina; Howlett, David (2017-09-27)
    The cause-and-effect relationships between environmental degradation and poverty are now widely recognized. Environmental degradation leads to widespread poverty, as it reduces the availability of clean water, productive ...
  • Nzuma, Jonathan Makau; Radeny, Maren; Kinyangi, James; Cramer, Laura (2017-09-27)
    Agricultural production systems in East Africa are mainly rain-fed and highly vulnerable to climate change and variability. Moreover, the smallholder subsistence production base increases the vulnerability of the ...
  • Mbonile, Milline; Misana, Salome; Sokoni, Cosmas (2017-09-27)
    This study was undertaken as part of the project on land use change analysis as an approach for investigating biodiversity loss and land degradation, being implemented in Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda. A case study approach ...

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