Mon1hly and annual maximum one hour rainfall for 1hirty seven stations in East Africa for the last
ten years is plotted and analysed.
'Using Chow's version of the Gumbel method and probability paper developed by Powel for the function's
linear plot, the two year, five, ten, twenty five, fifty and one hundred year recurrence periods are,
computed for each station and 1he ratio of the five, ten, twenty five, fifty, one hundred year recurrence
periods to the two year recarrence period (The median) plotted and analysed
Thus if the stations were well distributed over the whole of East Africa, it would be possible to obtain
maximum one hour rainfall intensities even over some areas devoid of a recording raingauge, Never1heless,
physiographic influences and seasonal variations manifest themselves in the analyses made, so that it is still
possible to approximate one hour maximum rainfall intensities and various recurrence periods over most
parts of East Africa even where a recording rainguage is unavailable.