This review was undertaken to explore the potential of soils to sequester and store large quantities of carbon (C) in the form of soil organic carbon (SOC) from the view point of global climate change regulation and reduced CO2 emissions. Miombo woodland forest soils are an important sink of atmospheric C. The major soils found in the Miombo woodlands include: Cambisols (Inceptisols), Leptosols, and Fluvisols (Entisols), Luvisols (Alfisols), Acrisols (Ultisols), Ferralsols (Oxisols), and Vertisols (FAO-WRB classification system and USDA- Soil Taxonomy). The soils differed in physico-chemical properties and exhibited differences in morphological characteristics, nutrient status and SOC storage, suggesting a remarkable variation in potential, constraints and management strategies for the different soil types. The review underscored the potential of soils as one among the important strategies in fighting against climate change due to the presence of soil humus that stabilizes soil organic carbon for a long period of time. Overall, Miombo woodland soils have a high potential for storing substantial SOC stocks. Miombo are composed of different tree species (average of 45 species per biome) with differences in C storage capacity. Thus, strengthening land/forest conservation could lead to build up of SOC stocks that would contribute to global climate change regulation.