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Impact of climatic change on food systems along Lake Nyasa shore in Mbinga District

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dc.contributor.author Kamanga, Hoops Alphonce
dc.date.accessioned 2015-04-20T01:46:29Z
dc.date.available 2015-04-20T01:46:29Z
dc.date.issued 2011
dc.identifier.citation Kamanga, H. A. (2011). Impact of climatic change on food systems along Lake Nyasa shore in Mbinga District. MSc. Thesis. Morogoro: Sokoine University of Agriculture. en_GB
dc.identifier.uri http://www.taccire.sua.ac.tz/handle/123456789/367
dc.description This thesis is available in print en_GB
dc.description.abstract This study was done in three villages along Lake Nyasa shore in Mbinga district to assess the impact of climate change on food systems. A sample of 90 randomly selected respondents of both farmers and fishermen were interviewed using a structured questionnaire so as to acquire their socio economic characteristics and all the matters related to climatic change food systems in their area. The research was conducted from July 2009 to June 2010. The data obtained were then coded and analysed by using SPSS computer program. The average respondent age was 37years, average household size was 4.7 and education status of the house hold was 23.3% have secondary education, 74.5% have primary education and 2.2% have no education. The average production of food crops was 5.5 tons per year. The most vulnerable aspect of food system according to this study was production followed by distribution, exchange and consumption. Despite this vulnerability of food systems it has also discovered that the group at most risk are women and children. People had some adaptations to climate change, and these are farm expansions, intensification of their agriculture through adapting to modern agriculture and introduction of new meal regime. The study also found that the community had some coping strategies like labour selling. I recommended several ways of reducing house hold vulnerability to climate change and these are first by increasing production through intensification of agriculture, secondly, by increasing economic access to food through empowering of local community by strengthening marketing situation, and thirdly through improvements of food distribution, through improvement of rural infrastructures especially roads. en_GB
dc.language.iso en en_GB
dc.publisher Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA) en_GB
dc.subject Climate change en_GB
dc.subject Food systems en_GB
dc.subject Lake Nyasa en_GB
dc.subject Mbinga district en_GB
dc.subject Climate change impacts en_GB
dc.subject Economic impacts en_GB
dc.subject Impact evaluation en_GB
dc.title Impact of climatic change on food systems along Lake Nyasa shore in Mbinga District en_GB
dc.type Thesis en_GB

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  • Climate Change impacts
    All information related to the effects and impacts of climate and weather variability --- be it on agriculture, environment, food security, transport, health etc

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