Although wildfire remains a persistent threat to the forest resources and human livelihood, very limited information exists about the role and performance of existing local governance structures in the prevention and management of wildfires in Miombo woodlands. This study was conducted in nine villages of Handeni, Kilosa and Kilwa Districts, eastern Tanzania to examine how existing local governance structures were actively involved in prevention of wildfires in forests under differing management regimes. All the surveyed villages had both formal and informal governance structures responsible for prevention and management of wildfires with over 50% of respondents aware of their existence. Available formal structures included village councils, Village Environmental Committees (VEC)/Village Natural Resource Committee (VNRC), ward development committees and primary courts. These structures were charged with ensuring security in the respective villages including protecting forests against deforestation and degradation. Despite their existence in every village, most suffered poor coordination, severe under funding and poor support from the villagers who see torching of forests as their sole right to getting access to their livelihoods. The study established that existing local fire management structures are unlikely to guarantee effective prevention of this environmental threat unless the existing impediments are effectively addressed. Management of forest fires should therefore be handled through a well coordinated framework that accommodates all key stakeholders in the country and should empower existing local fire prevention machinery at the village level.