Introduction of REDD+ initiative in Tanzania underwent a series of preparation activities
including, selection of implementing NGOs, and finally the launching and
implementation National REDD+ pilot projects. The pilot projects have now lasted for
four years. This study was therefore carried out to assess the community perception and
determined social sustainability of REDD+ initiatives in Zanzibar Islands. Specifically the
study sought to determine the levels of community awareness, participation and attitudes
towards this initiative. The study was conducted in Zanzibar islands in the villages of
Kumbaurembe, Muyuni C, Mtende, Chuchumile and Hanyegwamchana. 90 respondents
were selected randomly from households. Data collection was through questionnaires, in
depth interviews and focus group discussions. SPSS, likert and indexes were used to
determine the levels of participation, awareness and attitude. Content analysis was also
used to analyse qualitative information from focus group discussions and in depth
interviews. Findings revealed a high level of community awareness by 63.3%, a
moderately high level of participation by 47.8% and a favourable attitude towards
REDD+ by 77% despite low levels of education that stood at 34% for those who
completed secondary school education, over dependence of forest resources and small
size of land holdings that would stand in the way of the communities' perception and
social sustainability towards the initiative. The study concluded that communities in
Zanzibar island have positive attitude and perceptions towards REDD+ initiatives.
Therefore, the likelihood that the community will continue involving in the initiative is
gurantteed ensuring social sustainability of REDD+ initiative in the target communities.
However, in a bid to sustain the communities' continued involvement, there should be
continued capacitation of beneficiary communities concerning REDD+ initiative progress
and objectives for them (beneficiary communities) to be in control of their own