This paper presents preliminary observations from a study carried out around Iyondo Forest Reserve in Kilombero District to investigate the impacts of climate change on NTFPs resources and the livelihoods activities of forest-adjacent communities - including vulnerability and adaptation strategies used to cope with and climate-related adverse effects. First, the paper explores the local peoples’ perceptions regarding climate change and its effects on NTFPs and livelihoods and examines the current trends of climatic variables, including rainfall and temperature over time. Second, it explores the physical vulnerability of NTFPs and people using these products within the livelihood resource context. Finally, the paper examines the available household adaptation strategies to reduce vulnerability due to climate change. Socio-economic survey interviews, PRA techniques mainly free listing, hazard mapping, pair wise ranking, impacts and vulnerability assessment) within the climate change impacts and adaptation context; and participant observations focusing on the gender context were among the methods used to collect data. Quantitative and qualitative data were analysed using the Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) software tools. The computer software CRiSTAL 4.0 (Community-based Risk Screening Tool - Adaptation and Livelihoods) module 1 was used to synthesize information on climate and livelihoods to provide current climate hazards and impacts of changes on local livelihoods.